目前分類:Tradestation (6)

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I see so many charts from traders where they’ve plotted the current futures contract (e.g. ESZ09). That’s great but they have to change it at rollover. If you use the continuous contract version (e.g. @ES) instead, the rollover happens automatically – plus all the history is already on the chart.


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我覺得小肥牛是個很會講解的部落客,他把TS中的Stop Order 解說的很好:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/futurex168/article?mid=218


但有TradeStation程式經驗的人,就知道這 if-then 與 stop/limit 寫法還是有些不同,若是寫成 stop order 的方式,在報價只要一碰到價,下一個 tick 就會send order 並成交,但若是用 if-then order, TradeStation 的邏輯判斷是在K-bar 結束才執行,也就若是5 min kbar,在第一分就觸價,就等到第5分鐘,且close仍高於7600才會下order,也就是差了 4 分鐘,在TradeStation 8 可以將next bar 模式改為 this bar 模式 (請參考文章 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/futurex168/article?mid=182 ), 就可以在觸價的下一個 tick ,就立刻 send order,而有與 stop order 比較相近的行為。

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Futures Symbols
The symbology for futures symbols depends on if it is an individual contract or a continuous contract. Futures symbols also use aliases to indicate what type of trading activity they represent, electronic only, pit only, or both electronic and pit. There is also an alias available for the day session of symbols that trade electronically 24 hours a day.

The symbols used for the Order Bar and the display of data in TradeStation may differ from the symbols used for the Account: Futures window for some futures and futures options. See Futures/Futures Options Symbology Exceptions for more information. You can also download the TradeStation Futures Symbol Reference, a document detailing the futures symbols that are traded on each exchange.

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  期望值(expected value)是指有數值結果的隨機現象之每一個結果乘上它的機率,再對所有可能結果加總而得。如果用符號表示,可能

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藍色投機客的部落格 (http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/Blue-Speculator) 及小肥牛的部落格(http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/futurex168/article?mid=7&prev=44&l=f&fid=5)有許多介紹,可以先參考,這邊大概說一下我的開戶經驗。


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看到有人出了 Tradestation 的書了,內心感慨萬分…因為曾幾何時,那也是我的夢想,但我都一直讓他埋在心裡。

看到有人成功的在 Tradestation 開戶,並分享自己的交易系統,這也是我想做的,但我還是一直把筆記存在我的電腦裡。


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